Epsilon-130D reflector


The catadioptric telescopes of the Epsilon series are wide-field astrographs with an hyperbolic primary mirror. A corrector is integrated in the rack-and-pinion focuser and allows to obtain a flat field with stars less than 10μm at the edge of the 44mm image circle.

The Epsilon-130D has a focal ratio of F/3.3. Its very short focal length of 430mm offers a field of view of 5.9° and is therefore ideal for imaging large areas of stars and nebulae. Its secondary mirror is mounted on a reinforced spider to avoid any flexion. The rack-and-pinion focuser is equipped with a CAA (Camera Angle Adjuster) for photographic framing.

The collimation of the Epsilon 130D is particularly easy because it does not need to be done on a star. The optical axis is represented by markings on the 2 mirrors. Takahashi has designed a simple collimation eyepiece system particularly adapted to the Epsilon allowing the adjustment of the mirrors in daylight, a big advantage compared to a classical telescope.

Regardless of its photographic qualities, the Epsilon is a first-rate wide-field observation telescope. The observation of star clusters and galaxies will give you intense pleasure due to the fineness of the stars. It proves to be a fabulous instrument for the deep sky and the search for comets. The observation of the Lagoon and Trifide nebulae in the same field is extraordinary and striking.


Takahashi Epsilon-130D reflector

Characteristic Takahashi Epsilon-130D reflector
Optical design Modified hyperbolic Newtonian
Combination Hyperbolic primary mirror + flat secondary mirror + field flattener
Diameter 130 mm
At prime focus
Focal length 430 mm
Focal ratio FD 3.3
Image circle diameter 44 mm
Metal Back Distance 56.2 mm

Takahashi Epsilon-130D reflector

Characteristic Takahashi Epsilon-130D reflector
Length of the optical tube assembly 460 mm
Diameter of the optical tube assembly 166 mm
Weight 4.9 kg

Takahashi Epsilon-130D, Spot-diagram at prime focus



System-chart of the Takahashi Epsilon-130D reflector Télécharger

Instruction manuals

Instruction manual of the Takahashi Epsilon-130D reflector Télécharger

Available configurations

Epsilon-130D reflector

Reference : [TEK13000]
[TKA00551B] - Finder 6x30 (black)
[TKA00562B] - Bracket for 6x30 finder scope (black)
[TEK13010] - Epsilon-130D reflector OTA
[TKA69420S] - Tube rings 166WS


The Rosette Nebula by Gérard Thérin

Great Orion Nebula by Gérard Thérin

The Cocoon nebula by Gérard Thérin

The Horsehead nebula by Gérard Thérin