The Takahashi FOA-60Q refractor was designed to provide a compact instrument capable of delivering exceptional visual performance, similar to that achieved by the TOA series, a true benchmark in this field.

The Takahashi FOA-60Q refractor was designed to provide a compact instrument capable of delivering exceptional visual performance, similar to that achieved by the TOA series, a true benchmark in this field. Equipped with an apochromatic fluorite lens doublet at an F/D ratio of 15, the FOA-60Q will satisfy the most demanding amateurs. It remains very light, with a weight of only 2.4 kg, and very compact thanks to its retractable dew shield.

The FOA-60Q is simply the best scope in the Takahashi range, with its theoretical Strehl ratio of 99.8%, higher than those of the TOA-130 and TOA-150. The integrated Extender 1.7X can be removed, reducing the F/D ratio to 8.8 and transforming the refractor into a FOA-60.


Takahashi FOA-60Q refractor

Characteristic Takahashi FOA-60Q refractor
Objective Fluorite doublet apochromat
Lens cell Air-spaced doublet. Fluorite in the front
Coatings Hard multicoatings
Diameter 60 mm
At prime focus, with EXQ1.7XR focal extender
Focal length 900 mm
Focal ratio F/15
Image circle diameter 44 mm
Metal Back Distance 208.1 mm
At prime focus, without EXQ1.7XR focal extender
Focal length 530 mm
Focal ratio F/8.8
Metal Back Distance 175.6 mm

Takahashi FOA-60Q refractor

Characteristic Takahashi FOA-60Q refractor
Length of the optical tube 702 mm
Diameter of the optical tube 68 mm
Diameter of the dew-shield 80 mm
Weight 2.1 kg
Focuser Rack-and-pinion


System-chart of Takahashi FOA-60Q refractor Télécharger
System-chart of Takahashi FOA-60Q with extenders Télécharger

Instruction manuals

Takahashi FOA-60Q instruction manual Télécharger

Available configurations

FOA-60Q refractor

Reference : [TFA06100]
[TKA00551] - 6x30 finder scope
[TKA00562] - Bracket for 6x30 finder scope
[TKA02420G] - Symmetric cradle 68S-GT
[TFA06110] - FOA-60Q refractor OTA

FOA-60Q refractor OTA

Reference : [TFA06110]

FOA-60Q refractor
FOA-60Q refractor
FOA-60Q refractor OTA
FOA-60Q refractor OTA