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Around NGC891 by Maxime Delin

Maxime Delin (Alsace, France). Takahashi TSA-120 refractor with TOA-35RD 0.7X reducer, on Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ6 mount. QSI 6120wsg-8 camera equipped with LRVB Astrodon filter set. Exposure time : 4.8 hours.

Crescent Nebula by Maxime Delin

Maxime Delin (Alsace, France). Takahashi TSA-120 refractor with TOA-35RD 0.7x reducer. Takahashi EM-200 Temma-2Z mount. QSI 683wsg-8 camera with H-alpha Astronomik 6nm filter. Exposure time : 2h10

Great Orion Nebula by Gérard Thérin

Gérard Thérin (Hérault, France). Takahashi Epsilon-130D and ZWO ASI1600MM-C camera. Exposure time :1h15 (luminance with Astronomik CLS-CCD filter) et 45 min./color (RVB with AstronomiK RVB Deep Sky filter set).

Helix Nebula by APO Team

APO Team (SPACE Observatory, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile). Takahashi TOA-150 with 67FL flattener. Mini-OHP cross-axis mount at SPACE Observatory, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. Apogee ALTA U16M (36 x 36 mm) CCD camera with H-alpha + LRVB filter set. Global exposure time : 111 hours

Horsehead Nebula by APO Team

APO Team (SPACE Observatory, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile). Takahashi TOA-150 refractor + 67FL flattener. Mini-OHP cross-axis mount at SPACE Observatory, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. Apogee ALTA U16M (36 x 36 mm) camera Astrodon H-alpha + LRVB filter set. Global exposure time : 34 heures

IC1848 nebula by Rémi Petitdemange

Rémi Petitdemange (Alsace, France). Takahashi Epsilon-130D astrograph on EM-200 Temma-2M equatorial mount. QSI 683wsg camera. Exposure time : 12 x 40 min.

Iris nebula by Richard Galli

Richard Galli (Le Champ du Feu, Alsace, France). Takahashi CCA-250 astrographe on EM-400 Temma-2Z equatorial mount. Apogee U9000 CCD camera.

Iris Nebula by Thierry Boufflet

Thierry Boufflet (France). Takahashi Epsilon-130D. Canon 6D without the IR cut filter. Exposure time : 230 x 90s. Processing using Siril and Gimp.

Jupiter by Jean-Luc Dauvergne

Jean-Luc Dauvergne (Paris, France). Takahashi Mewlon-300 reflector. ZWO ASI290Mini camera.

LBN740 and VdB13/16 by Richard Galli

Richard Galli (Le Champ du Feu, Alsace, France). Takahashi CCA-250 astrographe on EM-400 Temma-2Z equatorial mount. Apogee Alta U9000 CCD camera and Astrodon LRGB filter set. 15 x 900s (L) + 3 x 900s (RGB).

Lunar souther region by Dominique Dierick

Dominique Dierick. Takahashi Mewlon 250CRS. TMB Barlow 2x. ASI290MM.

M52 and Bubble Nebula by Maxime Delin

Maxime Delin (Alsace, France). Takahashi FC-100DF refractor with FL76D field flattener. ZWO ASI1600MC-C color camera. Exposure time : 1h20.

Mars by Jean-Luc Dauvergne

Jean-Luc Dauvergne (Paris, France). Takahashi Mewlon-300 telescope. ZWO ASI290MM Mini camera.

NGC 4565 by Dominique Dierick

Dominique DIERICK (Remote in Belgium) . Takahashi Mewlon-250CRS and .73 reducer. ZWO ASI2600MC. 10 micron 2000HPS

NGC1333 nebula by Tommy Nawratil

Tommy Nawratil (Weppersdorf, Austria). Takahashi Epsilon-130D astrographe on Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ6 equatorial mount. Exposure time : 10.8 hours with ZWO ASI1600MM-C camera. Optolong LRGB + SHO 6nm filter set. Autoguided with Lacerta MGEN on 9x50 finder scope.

NGC6188 & NGC6164 by APO Team

APO Team (SPACE observatory, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile). Takahashi TOA 150 refractor on cross-axis mount. Mosaïc of four images with Apogee U16M CCD camera and SHO filter set.

NGC6946 with 2017eaw supernova by Maxime Delin

Maxime Delin (Alsace, France). Takahashi TSA-120 with TOA-35FL flattener. Takahashi EM-200 Temma-2Z equatorial mount. QSI 683wsg-8 camera. Exposure time : 1h30.

NGC7000 nebula by Maxime Delin

Maxime Delin (Alsace, France). Takahashi FS-60CB refractor with RD0.72x focal reducer. Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ6 mount. ZWO ASI1600MM-C camera + H-alpha Baader 7nm filter. Total exposure time : 3h.

North America and Pelican nebulae by Rémi Petitdemange

Rémi Petitdemange (Vaucluse, France). Takahashi Epsilon-130D astrographe on EM-200 Temma-2 equatorial mount. QSI 683wsg camera. Exposure time : 18 x 20 min.

North America and Pelican nebulae by Rémi Petitdemange

Rémi Petitdemange (Alsace, France). Takahashi Epsilon-130D astrograph on EM-200 Temma-2M equatorial mount. Mosaïc of 2 images. QSI 683wsg camera. Exposure time : 18 x 20 min.

Saturn by Jean-Luc Dauvergne

Jean-Luc Dauvergne (Paris France). Takahashi Mewlon-250 reflector. ZWO ASI290MM Mini.

Saturn by Jean-Luc Dauvergne

Jean-luc Dauvergne (Paris, France). Mewlon-300 telescope. Altair GP224C camera.

Snake Nebula by Rémi Petitdemange

Rémi Petidemange (Vaucluse, France). Takahashi Epsilon-180ED astrograph on EM-200 Temma-2M equatorial mount. Apogee Alta U16803.

The Cocoon nebula by Gérard Thérin

Gérard Thérin (Hérault, France). Epsilon-130D astrograph and ZWO ASI1600MM-C camera. Exposure time : 27 x 300s (L) + 6 x 300s (RVB).

The Horsehead nebula by Gérard Thérin

Gérard Thérin (Hérault, France). Takahashi Epsilon-130D astrograph. ZWO ASI1600MM-C camera. Astronomik CLS-CCD filter (L : 2h00) + RVB Deep Sky filters (RVB : 36 min/color).

The Large Magellanic Cloud by APO Team

APO Team (SPACE Observatory, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile). Mosaïc of 16 images. Takahashi TOA-150 refractor + 67FL flattener, on Mini-OHP cross-axis mount (SPACE Observatory, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile). Apogee ALTA U16M with Astrodon H-alpha + LRVB filter set. Global integration : 277 hours

The Leo Triplet by Maxime Delin

Takahashi TSA-120 refractor with TOA-35RD 0.7x focal reducer. Takahashi EM-200 Temma-2Z equatorial mount. Canon EOS 1000D DSLR. Integration time : 3h.

The Pinwheel Galaxy by Rémi Petitdemange

Rémi Petitdemange (Alsace, France). Takahashi Epsilon-180ED astrograph on EM-200 Temma-2M equatorial mount. Apogee Alta U8300 CCD camera.

The Pleiades by Tommy Nawratil

Tommy Nawratil (Vienna, Austria). Takahashi Epsilon-130D astrographe on Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ6 equatorial mount. Exposure time : 6.5 hours with Canon EOS6Da (400ISO). Autoguided with Lacerta MGEN on 9x50 finder scope.

The Rosette Nebula by Gérard Thérin

Gérard Thérin (Hérault, France). Epsilon-130D astrograph and ZWO ASI1600MM-C camera. Exposure time : 2h (Astronomik CLS-CCD and H-alpha filters) + 1h/color (Astronomik RVB Deep Sky filter set).

The Triangulum Galaxy by Rémi Petitdemange

Rémi Petitdemange (Alsace, France). Takahashi Epsilon-180ED astrograph on EM-200 Temma-2M equatorial mount. Apogee Alta U8300 CCD camera. Exposure time : 42 x 10 min. 

The Virgo Cluster by Rémi Petitdemange

Rémi Petidemange (Vaucluse, France). Takahashi Epsilon-180ED astrograph on EM-200 Temma-2M equatorial mount. Caméra Apogee Alta U8300.

VdB152 nebula by Richard Galli

Richard Galli (Le Champ du Feu, Alsace, France). Takahashi CCA-250 astrograph on EM-400 Temma-2Z equatorial mount. pogee Alta U9000 CCD camera.